Airdrie Taxi Service : How much Does it cost on average? Below we try to answer this question with a breakdown of city pricing. It’s important to note that the individual companies do not set any rates ourselves. Prices are set & regulated by the City Of Airdrie Taxi Rate By-Law, Its important for you to know when you’ve paid to much for a service.
Did you know : All Taxi Services within the city of Airdrie Alberta have the exact same price? We want to take this time, to better explain Taxi Rates / Cost for Airdrie residents. All companies; ourselves included have to follow a strict price guideline.
Taxi Prices in Airdrie begin @ $3.00, at a maximum & minimum the meter ticks $0.20 every 110 meters. Converted this equals $1.82/km
Airport drop off Service : Set by the city of Airdrie, Go from anywhere within Airdrie to YYC Calgary International Airport for a flat fee of $35.00 GST Included.
Airport pickup Service : Only allowed for pre arranged bookings with a total cost of $39.00 GST Included
Hourly Hire : Rates begin @ $40.00/hour with a minimum purchase of 2 hours, this is a great alternative to longer trips or to take scenic routes if you’re not in a hurry. This is a great solution for running errands in the city, or multiple stop trips!
Why Choose SOFO ? If all Taxi services have the exact same price, why choose SOFO Executive Car? With no difference in price we have strongly focused on difference in Quality, Take your first ride today to see & feel the difference between a simple taxi; and a SOFO Executive Car.
For more information about taxi guidelines and pricing please see the below link provided by the City Of Airdrie bylaw services. Please view page 17 for additional information regarding Airdrie Taxi Rate https://www.airdrie.ca/getDocument.cfm?ID=7248